Bottom line: the prosecution failed to produce / present sufficient evidence that George Zimmerman was guilty of the charges placed against him, beyond a reasonable doubt. That is not the same as being found "innocent" of any wrongdoing, he was simply found to be "not guilty" of the charges placed against him, based upon the evidence.
It is tragic that Martin lost his life, and it is also tragic that Zimmerman will have to live with his decision for the rest of his. Both men made mistakes and neither of them were "innocent" when it comes to the events of that evening. Fact is, neither of these guys were the people the media painted them to be, for better or worse. Meanwhile, in the time between when Martin was shot and Zimmerman was acquitted, over 11,000 other black men and women were killed (roughly 94% of them by other black folks). Where is the outrage over that?
Neither the events of that night, nor the process behind arriving at the verdict, were rooted in race. The media and the race-baiters, however, HAVE instigated a number of racially motivated crimes as a result of the outrage they stirred up over something that wasn't. Is that really the kind of tribute people ought to find fitting for the loss suffered by Trayvon's family and friends? I don't think so; I find it shameful.
There is an awful lot going on that demands national attention and outrage - Fast & Furious, Benghazi, IRS misconduct, NSA spying, NDAA indefinite detention of citizens, drone assassinations, funding of terrorists abroad, unconstitutional wars and on and on and on... where is the pressure for investigating these and many more? Where is the outrage? Where is #JusticeForWeThePeople?
If you ask me, this has all been a huge distraction from events of national importance and a convenient mechanism to keep the American people turned upon each other, instead us putting the heat on Washington. Wake up, people.
As I am often fond of saying, when there is a media circus drawing your attention, take time to find out what your government is doing while you're being distracted by it.
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