27 February 2010

Party over here? Party over there?

This is being reposted from one of my facebook notes. 

As a number of my close friends know, I have been agonizing over the prospect of leaving the Republican Party. I have been a registered Republican for nearly 24 years. As I have become more libertarian in philosophy over the years, I considered changing to Independent a few times but have never really been able to bring myself to do it. I grew up rooting for Ronald Reagan in 1980 (at 13 years old) and can even remember hoping that Gerald Ford would beat Jimmy Carter in the 1976 election, despite my parents being Democrats at the time. With such a lifelong attachment to the Republican Party, I just can’t see changing now. After a great deal of reflection, I believe that the best way to effect positive change for the party is from within.

I see us as being faced with a unique opportunity to capitalize upon the frustration of the governed with our elected officials. In the coming few years, I believe that there will be a small window of opportunity for us to begin returning America to the Republic our forefathers intended. If we as a people fail to seize this fleeting chance, I fear that we will slip further toward the oligarchy and state-run economy that we are rapidly becoming.

We must restore the Constitution to its proper place in our government and economy. Even though there are quite noble intentions among less mainstream parties, I fear that one will not emerge with sufficient political capital to effect the change that is needed in the time that we have left. The mainstream parties, in my opinion, harbor the only feasible option for bringing forth principled leadership that is also credible. I believe that I will be remaining a Republican.

It is difficult for me to be this passionate about our country, yet feel so helpless to effect any real change. I am hoping that by learning more through some of the educational opportunities I am currently pursuing, I may be able to help support those who are in the position to effect the kind of change I envision.

© the stiff lizard

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